Travel Bozeman

Flirt with a Fresh Start.

*Student Work

Dating in big cities can suck. We’ve all dated a Chad, Brad, and yes, maybe even a Thad. They seem just perfect until one day a devastating fact about them comes to light - and it’s a total dealbreaker.

To make matters worse, today’s dating world hinges on only showcasing the best parts of ourselves online, leaving out certain qualities that may or may not appeal to us. If there are too many red flags in your dating pool, it might be time for a change of scenery....To a place with an abundance of it.

The men of Bozeman, Montana have news for you: it doesn’t have to be this way. You can escape your ex. All the way to our unbeatable mountain ranges.

‘Overheard’ Red Flags

To start, we’ll partner with ‘Overheard’ accounts to get a glimpse of dating red flags have been experienced in various major cities.

There’s no better way to expose San Francisco’s tech bros and entitled hippies than partnering with Overheard San Francisco. Bozeman warns you to keep your ears peeled and your eyes on the beautiful mountains (and men) of Montana.


We’ll host an interactive microsite where red flags will appear as more stories are shared.

Get to know the country by hovering on the red flags reported in that area, which will open up a summary of the reported case from said city.
Women will be encouraged to submit their experiences and we’ll keep track of their patterns in each place. While your city may be ridden with bad apples, the map reminds you that Bozeman is red flag free.


Close to Home Billboards

Based on collected responses from the microsite, we will have location-specific billboards in big cities highlighting the places where people found out the ultimate deal-breaker about their partner.

San Francisco

New York City

Los Angeles

Breakup Benches

Breakups often happen in the nicest of places, with stunning views. Many of which have park benches to rest on and inevitably brace yourself for the “I-think-you-should-sit-down-for-this” conversation.

They’re tough. But with the past dead and gone you can now focus on presently leaving him to sit alone while you plan your next move...

San Francisco

New York City



Big cities aren’t always ideal for dating, but why is Bozeman any better? The hashtag on the microsite and benches, #FlirtWithBozeman, will lead to an IGTV channel where women who have relocated to Bozeman from a big city can talk about the breakup that inspired them to move.

We’ll also provide women who have wild stories with their own IG stickers and type treatment relating to it. They can share these on their personal instagrams and only half hope their ex will see it.

The Manual

These handy travel manuals will prepare you for the red flags to look out for in that city.

They make the perfect housewarming gift, or rite of passage for a friend who just moved here and is entering a new dating pool.